Sunday, March 4, 2012

Volunteering at the Drop In & Rehab Centre

Just as you've noticed, Saturday is my art day, and Sunday is my volunteering day. Today, our church's youth group went to the Drop In and Rehab Centre.
I was assigned to the Laundry and Hygiene department. My job was to open the shower door and let people in, and serve them with Shampoo, Conditioner, soap, toothbrush and other hygiene products upon request. Also, I needed to make appointment for the wash machine and assign one if somebody requests last minute. 



The staff there were super kind and nice. Even though I did not do much, they kept smiling and saying thanks.  I think I will come back more often.  :)

Volunteering is very rewarding.
We feel happy that we are able to help others.


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