Thursday, February 23, 2012

What can we do with an old abacus?

This morning, a pink knitted top caught my eyes. I decided to make it my closest and dearest one today.

This is how I would like to dress up every morning: put the music on, let my imagination free. Dance into my walk-in closet, pick up one item that I feel like to wear, according to my mood, weather, music, picture, color or whatever is flying in my mind. It could be anything, anything just happened be there in front of me, by coincidence.  

Then, search stuff in my closet to march it. I throw a bunch of things to try. I learnt to trust my taste. If this is something makes me happy, I go for it !  - It will guarantee me a wonderful day!


Then, I throw this double sided reversible cape on for the cold wind outside. I love the color on both sides. It is made by Cold water Creek fashion.


This necklace is made of my daughter's old abacus.

Here is how I made it:
Buy a leather string from Michaels, pass the string through beads, adjust it around your neck. - Easy and simple! 
I made five of them, all different colors, beautiful and eye catching!

This is also my favorite artist Farida Kahlo's style!  Do you like it?


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