Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Paris, je t'adore!

This was the second time I came to worship Paris.

I visited her last century. That time I went through five counties: Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Holland and France. The days I was in Paris were brief.

This trip was just for Paris. I immersed myself into her warm heart. I wandered by Metro and buses. I walked along the Seine. I danced on bridges. I drank coffee. I watched people pass by. I climbed "Tour Eiffel" again. It was like walking into my dreams. I saw streets and buildings that I was so familiar with. All of sudden, I spoke French just as Parisians. - I felt that I've been living in this city for ages.

Her spirit has entered in my soul, her breath was upon my face. I felt I knew her all.

Je t'adore, Paris. Should my voice fade in your ears, and my love vanish in your memory, then, I will come again.

Just like waves worship land, I will return with the tide.

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