Tuesday, April 21, 2009

London Bridge is falling down

I went to London with my daughter last October.

It was the first time that I travelled with her alone to another country. I worried at the beginning but it turned out to be an intimate and magnificent trip!

We stayed up and chatted at night or early morning because of the jet lag. We got up and ate and went out according to our own pace. We visited museums and Palaces and markets. We sang together and we danced down to subways. Some days, we just sat in Hyde Park watching birds or doing absolutely nothing.

Both of us had never been to London before. So I asked my daughter to be my tour guide. With a guide book of London, she had to answer these questions for us everyday: "Shall we take a bus or use subway? Shall we bring her teddy bear or just water bottle? Shall we see British museum or the science museum? Shall we go to see the Queen or shall we take a ride on London Eye?" And I listened and followed her all the time!

She did not like the paintings in National Gallery. She was crazy for pancake. That's a talent that I never discovered before. Everyday, she wanted to eat pancakes and she spent time watching people making pancakes on the street. One day, she found a booth at Notting hill market and she watched for 2 hours there. We ended up buying 5 pancakes and we had to eat pancakes for two days!

Coming back home from the trip, she started to make pancakes right away in the kitchen. Even though she burnt her fingers several times, we always have fresh, tasty and creative (she adds different things on it ) pancakes to eat!

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