Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Soy Mexicana!

Since I started to learn Spanish, Mexico has been a must- go place for me. It is the world's largest Spanish-speaking country, with 104 million inhabitants. Its historic architectures, distinguish music and art crafts, on going festivals, spicy cuisine, old myths and legends fascinated me all the time.

May 2008, I had a chance to visit Mexico. My colleague and good friend, Norma, a Mexican girl, invited me to visit her mother during the Mother's Day week.

Her mother lives alone in a beautiful house with lovely garden and garage. She is a very kind lady with an open warm heart. Norma was busy with her friends and other stuff, so her mother became my tour guide.

Basically, I shadowed her everyday life. She introduced me to her relatives and friends, led me to markets and restaurants. We took bus in the city, we rambled in Zocalo, we bought flower and visited Norma's dad's tomb in cemetery, and we even attended a one-year girl's Baptism ceremony.

I went to Mexico City alone. I visited National gallery and museum of my favorite artist Frida Kahlo and her husband, Diego Rivera. I love Frida. Her passion for art, her painful destiny, her fantasy, her talent and pride, even her chaotic relationship with Diego makes me crazy for her. I would probably become a lesbian if she was here for me! Viva la vida Frida Kahlo!

I also visited Oaxaca, a beautiful city four hours away from Puebla. I met some interesting and nice people there.

When I meet Spanish speaking people in Canada, they will ask me: "De donde es?" I will joke and say: "Soy Mexicana!"

I look forward to visiting Mexico again, soon.

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