Thursday, April 23, 2009

Havana Vieja - Hasta la siempre...

When I was young, I used to sing a song: "Beautiful Havana, that is my hometown..."

Finally, here I am. Standing at the statue of Jose Martin (the intellectual author of the revolution), looking around the Revolution Plaza. Armed soldiers stand still beside the Ministerio de Informatica y Communicaciones' building, and the national theatre (Teatro Nacional) is shinning under the sunset. On the plaza's north side, the Ministerio del Interior has a ceramic mural of a five-story-tall face of Che Guevara, in scripted with the words: "Hasta La Victoria siempre".

We visited the Biblioteca Nacional, - the national library. For each visitor, they can assign a free tour guide with certain language ability. We asked for a French guide because there were four of us and French is our common language.

We also walked around Parque Central. We visited Museo De La Revolucion. It was the former presidential Palace, displayed lots of photos about Cuba's political development, from slave uprisings to joint space missions with the ex-Soviet Union. All descriptions are in Spanish.

Museo Nacional De Bellas Artes looks very modern and artistic. It displays both national and European masters' works. There is a colorful stained glass window describes Columbus's discovery of the New World.

Finally, we wondered along the Malecon. It is a seafront drive of 7 km long, and it is a great meeting point for habaneros, lovers and children. Wind blew my long hair, and I looked far away on the horizon where the blue sky met with the ocean.

Revolucion, revolucion...This place was so familiar yet so strange, it was so close yet so far. My thoughts was flying into the ocean and I didn't know where I was anymore.

The island vanished in my memory, and I melted into the breeze from the Atlantic ocean.

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