Thursday, April 16, 2009

Don't ask where I am from...

I am a world traveler.
I enjoy meeting with people, learning other languages, tasting local food and living in exotic countries. Life is short. I can't control the length of my life. But I would like to widen it. I like to learn from other cultures. I wish to live in various formats and diverse environments. I want my life to be colourful.

I believe, at one spot on earth, drinking a local beverage, listening to original music,talking to people in another language, I would be transformed into another person, and I start another life.

At work or when travelling, I met a lot of people. The most common question they asked me is:"Where are you from?"

Hmm. This is an easy question, but it is hard for me to answer. My parents are from different places. (I should say, one is from Mars and another is from Venus :-) )I've been travelling all of my life. I had studied in 14 different schools before I entered university. Imagine my roaming adolescent life! I enjoy travel alone, and I worked as a tour guide!

So, how should I answer this question? Maybe, I will smile and say: "Please don't ask where I am from... I may tell you where I am going."

Where am I going?
Places with different people, different scenery, different custom, different language and most importantly, different delicious food.

- Places that I have never been.

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