Wednesday, April 11, 2012

GREEN Spring cleaning!

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.

Today is 16 degrees. Flowers are blooming and birds are singing. Spring is finally here! I've got all my summer clothes out!

I've been thinking of a spring cleaning this week. My house and I need to get out of the winter blues! I already bought a mop with a squeeze mechanism.

This year's theme is GREEN CLEANING.

Here is my to-do list (how exciting this is!):

- Hang dry my laundry: install a clothesline in my backyard and enjoy the sunshine; 

- Add more house plants as living air filters;

-Use unpaired socks fill with cinnamon sticks or cloves for my wardrobe;

- Cut and tear old cotton T-shirts into washable cleaning cloths and reduce paper towels;

- Use baking soda, white vinegar, oliver oil and lemon as my cleaning supplies;

- Sort my wardrobe and take out items that did not wear for more than one year;

-Organize a garage sale in my church for fund raising for our mission trip to PEI in June.


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