Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Hawaiian Easter experience

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead ... 1 Peter 1:3

I always remember my Easter experience when I lived in Hawaii with my dearest Da Ma Linda. She invited almost 50 guests to her beach house for a whole day's party in 2005!

On that Good Friday, we went to shopping. She bought a lot food, Easter decorations, eggs, brushes and paint. -  She made sure that everybody have fun and have a chance to paint his/her own eggs. Saturday, my task was to greet guests and serve them food. The music was on!  We were chatting, eating, drinking, singing, playing Ukulele and Hula dancing . We also went hiking and kayaking. I made so many friends... How I miss those wonderful days with my Da Ma!

This year, my church will organize a Good Friday worship. On Saturday, the youth group will have their 30 hour famine at my place for fundraising. I am going to prepare some fun activities.

Hopefully, we will have some good time together.

Happy Easter!

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