Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lost in translation? Gain in translation!

When we translate from language to language, we lost a lot of "juice". However, in a country full of immigrants like Canada, people needs translation everywhere. C'est la vie, and it is a part of my job.

At work, I translate and earn money for traveling. When I go traveling, I translate too, and I collect sweet memories...

Once in Paris, at Gare Nord, I was in a line waiting for Metro tickets. Because I was talking with a lady near me in French, three Korean women noticed me. They started asking me directions. Fortunately, one of them spoke English. I was able to get answer to them through the help of the French lady. When we met again in the Metro, they gave me a chocolate bar!

Music consists a great pleasure for my traveling. Sometimes I sit in a music store and listen to music for hours, choosing the ones I like. Once in Puebla, I was in a music store, when three students from Belgium came in. Obviously, they don't spoke much Spanish. I volunteered to help. Guess what? I got two CDs free as a gift from the nice salesgirl!

Old Havana has a huge market for tourists' souvenirs. I was doing my "treasure hunting" and I found some necklaces made of beans. I was amazed by them and started to ask questions. The owner of the store suddenly asked me if I read Chinese. He wanted somebody to translate the instruction of his Chinese herbal medicine. Guess what? I got those bean necklaces for free!

To me, it is not "Lost in translation" anymore, but "gain in translation".

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