Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Protection Island

Protection Island is a small island located 1.5 km north-east of downtown Nanaimo. It is right in the city's harbour, with no bridge leading to it. This is a typical Georgia Strait island with tall forests and sandstone tidepools, but only a five minute boat ride from downtown.

We had a wonderful half day tour on Protection Island with our real estate agent, Fraser. He showed us around the island on his golf cart, not only houses, but also culture and community of the houses' owners. It was an amazing experience!

There are no paved roads on the little island. Some residents move about the island in golf carts, others with cars, but most walk.- What a healthly way to live! Locals frequently transport their groceries from the community dock with their own wheelbarrows. Access to the island can be via private vessel or a small, privately run ferry. Some residents also commute by kayak or rowboat as well.

There are about 300 residences on the island. There is an interesting blend of types of people here, too, characteristic of the gulf islands in general; Artist, writers, retired professionals, gays and lesbians, etc.

Protection Island is gorgeous, with its dense woods, and beaches that turn exotically sandy when the tide is out. There are heron rookeries in the arbutus groves, where the herons protect their young from predatory eagles by croaking in unison, an intimidating prehistoric chant. Seals and otters also circle the island, which is great for all the kayakers that come exploring, or who commute to the city by water every day.

If I wanted a home for my retirement, this is the place to be.

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