Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dubrovnik- crazy pictures of me from Croatia

Dubrovnik is a quiet and nice town with history and culture...beautiful town by the sea...
I am puting some pictures that I was supposed to put long time ago, now it is the last days of this baby girl took all those pictures for me...isn't she a genius?

Santorini- a pearl on Aegean sea

爱琴海, 我总是把它当做爱情海. 我的爱情是属于它的. 我梦中的情人, 我的爱, 终于, 我来到了你的怀抱! 这是多么动人心弦, 多么令人陶醉! - 今天, 因为你, 我变得格外妩媚动人, 格外妖娆.
我流连忘返, 我窃窃私语, 我缠绵优雅, 我热烈奔放!


Happy New Year!

It has been a great year for me and for my loved ones. We had good health, rewarding jobs, wonderful study time, delicious food... we brought another house, we worked hard together and had a lot of fun, we also went to see different places.
I am deeply thankful to God. Today, after lunch, I started to look at my pictures. Those beautiful ones came to my sight: they were taken when I was in Venice. I want to put them on: They are good representatives for my happy year of 2010.
I hope my New Year of 2011 will be as colorful and as productive as this year! All the best for 2011, for my family, my friends and everyone who is reading my Blog! :)