Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Chocolate Factory in Vegas

The Chocolate made here is so delicious! We could not resist after tasting and we ended up of buying a lot! :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Grand Canyon West


Vegas and Wynn

My favorite place in Vegas is Wynn, of course. Each time I visit Vegas, I will take pictures of their beautiful floor, wondering in their stores and casino, having a cup of coffee there. - No exception for this time!


开学以来不知道怎么这么忙, 差不多两个月没有打开过自己的博客了. 是一段阳光明媚的日子, 可是过得匆匆忙忙, 懒懒洋洋, 没有什么太值得回味的时刻.
I had two weeks' of vacation in L. A., Vegas and Cruise to Mexico. It was a kind of waste to me. Firstly, it was not really the places I wanted to go; secondly, we were with tour groups, not my way of traveling; thirdly, the cruise ship was very old, fourthly, my mom did not get a chance to go even though I arranged everything according to her taste!- I was quite disappointed by this trip.