Wednesday, May 30, 2012


看到孩子们都一个又一个开始工作, 高中毕业, 走出家门, 也才惊觉时间的飞. 不禁想起了一首旧歌:






...   ...


Monday, May 28, 2012

Lilac Festival

The weather was a little bit chilly when we got there. However, thousands of people were already on the street, shopping, eating, dancing, playing, and enjoying.
"If I waited for nice weather to do things in Canada, I'd waste half of my life." Somebody said.
And he was right!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Grotto Canyon hiking

I organized this hiking for our church's youth group. Around 40 people participated. We had nine cars, drove about one hour to get there. The weather was great, the Canyon was beautifully painted with light green color.
Thank God, this time no one got lost. :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Our Pray

Dear Lord,

today we pray for mothers--

our own mothers, and mothers everywhere,

who have made a major contribution

to the good qualities we have,

sometimes through genetics,

more often through great effort and patient instruction,

and who have done their best

to gently polish away our rough edges.

Lord, please bless our mothers

for the endless hours of time they spent

and the boundless energy they invested in us.

Bless our mothers for their sacrifices on our behalf

as they often gave up or deferred their own dreams

so that we could have ours.

Bless our mothers for always being there for us,

for being the person we know we can turn to

when we need comfort, encouragement, or just a hug.

Bless our mothers for making a home for us

where we could feel safe, where we felt we belonged.

Most of all, Lord,

bless our mothers for their unconditional love,

for loving us no matter what,

and for frequently showing love

in ways that make us feel valued and cherished.

Lord, please bless our mothers mightily.

Strengthen them, soothe them,

wrap them in Your infinite love

and shower them with blessings

too numerous to count, too magnificent to describe.

We love them, admire them, respect them,

and we wish that You would give them back

many times the good they gave to us.

In Jesus' name we pray; Amen.

We had a wonderful Mother's Day!
We welcomed mothers at the front door of our church and
gave carnations to them;
Students invited their moms to the front and talk about them;
My son read a peom he got from his iphone to me;
I led a seminar of Self Care for mothers;
Finally, we had sweet home made cake!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Beautiful and busy May days

I will be as busy as a bee this month. - There are several projects coming.

On mother's day, I am invited as a speaker to talk about "Self Care" in my church ;

In two weeks, I have a seminar in the public library about "Summer Fun", - for local families who search for summer activities in the city;

During the May long weekend, I need to organize a hiking trip for the church's youth group;

I started my course at the university: "Supportive Counselling Skills: Intervention Skills for Individuals". This is a very interesting but quite challenge course! - Three times a week, we will study intervention theories, video tape role playing, give feedback to each other, then write essays!