Tuesday, January 31, 2012

San Miguel de Cozumel

Our cruise arrived in Cozumel, an island just 12 miles from Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. It offers sandy white beaches, crystal-clear water and a year-round Caribbean climate. Cozumel is renowned for its SCUBA diving and snorkeling. Much of the island is undeveloped jungle, full of wildlife like tropical birds and reptiles. We stayed in San Miguel de Cozumel for the whole day.
Basically, we wandered on the main street, looking for boutique stores, museums, and local markets. We found some interesting souvenirs and exotic things as gifts for friends back home. From the photos, you can see that we did enjoy ourselves! - Specially Lily, look, she was bit by a huge crocodile!

Farida Kahlo and me finally get together! :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year resolutions

My new year's resolutions:

-Live a simple life

     Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge
     of God and of Jesus our Lord.

     His divine power has given us everything we need for life and
     godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own
     glory and goodness.
                                                                           -2 Peter 1:2, 3  

     I will try to get rid of car when it is possible. 
     I will walk to work everyday when the weather permit.

-Exercise everyday
     I bought a year pass for the city's fitness centre.
     I need to exercise as often as possible, aim for everyday.

-Listen to others and learn new things
     Always open to learn, especially with kids.- I turned to forget what
     it was like in my childhood.

-Read and memorize Bible verses
     Read the Bible 9.99 minutes per day

-Help others
     Feel happy and rewarding by helping others

-Be creative
    Think out of the box, jump out of the box, or even break the box!