Friday, December 14, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Ensenada, Mexico

We took the Canival Cruise to Ensenada, Mexico. 
Ensenada is located only 80 miles south of San Diego. We visited the blow hole, and got a taste of Mexican food, culture and life. This is a beautiful seaport town, one of the largest on the Baja peninsula. It is great for rest, relaxation and excellent outdoor recreation activities.

Catalina Island

Catalina island is a rocky  island off the coast of Canifornia. The island is 22 miles (35 km) long and 8 miles (13 km) across at its greatest width. The island is located about 22 miles (35 km) south-southwest of Los Angles.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

A heavy snowing day

It is snowing like crazy in Calgary today. I guess the sky is crying.

Dear DA MA, I just got the sad news of you. I can't believe that I won't be able to get a surprise call from you anymore!  Your laughter,  your smile, your encouragement and energy surrounded me as if we were always being together and never part. I recall all those beautiful time we spent together, day by day, minute by minute, just as yesterday.

"You would often say that you still have so much to do to make this world a better place.You have accomplished so much, and yet wanted to do more. You have helped so many people achieve their dreams and potential, yet there was always one more person you wanted to mentor, to befriend."

You challenged me to be truly what I meant to be. You brought the best out of me. You always inspired love, light and energy. Your mind was always spinning and never stop. I am a better person because of you.

18 months ago, you told me on the phone: "... It would be the same as if I was hit by a truck. Thank God I will be able to figure out this slowly by myself." Now, you are with HIM in the peaceful kingdom. I will join your friends to celebrate your life, your beautiful mind, your generosity and spirit.

There is a part of you in me that I will carry on. 

I will always love you in my heart.