Saturday, August 22, 2009

We visited Six Flags- Discovery Kingdom

We visited Six Flags with Fang's family. It was a sunny hot Sunday. The discovery kingdom was fully packed with cars and people. Sometimes it was hard to make your way in the park. We felt that we were back in China.

If it was not for the kids, we would prefer probably staying home or drinking coffee at a cool, calm place with nice music. The generation gap is always there and, of course, it is always the parents who sacrifice for their kids.:-)
As long as they are happy, we are happy and satisfied.

Swimsuit beauty

Only during my vacation had I time to look at my baby so attentively.

Suddenly, I was terrified by how much time has slipped away through my fingers! My lovely baby, that I always thought she was, is not a baby anymore. She has grown up into a beautiful young girl!
She is a healthy, active, creative, hardworking and independent grade two student now!
I realize that I need to spend more time with her and enjoy more my motherhood. Thank God. With her company, I feel that I am the luckies mother in the world.

San Francisco

A very close friend, Fang, who lives in San Francisco invited me to visit her this month.

We spent a week there. Basically, I did not have any tourist plan. I just wanted to stay with her and catch up with these three years that we missed from each other.

We spent a lot of time talking, Cooking, reading books, swimming, feeding ducks, taking care of kids and staying in her local community centre. Kids had a wonderful time too! I cherished every minute I spent there. It was very relax and happy to be together with a great friend!