Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Special guests in my life

I have two very specials guests that I can take care of during a period of my life time.
They are my sweet hearts, my treasures, my joy and my best companies: John and Lily.
I appreciate God for his priceless gifts to me, It has been a great honor!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Camping at Fairmont

We went to Fairmont, BC for camping last weekend. We stayed in the wild area for three days.

We set up tent, caught insects, watched stars, lighted fire, plunged into hot spring, rode horses, ate uncooked food...We had so much fun! Hopefully, we can do this more often!

Party in Yellowstone National Park

This hot and dry summer reminds me last year's group trip to Montana.

We drove to Yellowstone Nation Park in July last year, together with other 6 families from my church. My middle school classmate came to join us from San Diego, with her family of 7. Imagine the big party!

We had a lot of fun, eating, dancing, playing, screaming, running among geysers and chasing rabbits and elks.

We watched Old Faith erupted, we ran along the Yellowstone river, we played at Mammoth Hot Spring, we took photos of Grand Yellowstone Canyon, we hiked in the forest.

With hot springs, lakes, waterfalls, canyon and snow covered mountains, Yellowstone park has four seasons at the same time!

I think it could be the most beautiful place to spend some quality time with family and friends!