Thursday, May 14, 2009

My adventure in Mexico City

I had a great adventure in Mexico city alone.

I left Puebla very early in the morning. It took me two hours to get to Mexico City by bus. I had a nice trip, chatting with a local retired gentleman on the way. Arriving in this big city, I used subway and I got direction from the local policeman. I did not bring a single map or tour guide book, and I knew nothing about this city. Basically I just wandered alone on the street, took whatever God sent me on my way.

Of course I visited Zocalo again. Then I walked along the big streets, towards the Latin America Tower. I found the National Gallery, and Museo de Diego River. They, I had lunch at an small restaurant. I asked the owner how to go to the "Piramide del Sol".

The whole afternoon, I was at Teotihuacan. I met a university boy who volunteered to be my tour guide. He told me he wanted to see Beijing Olympics. His family had a local store in the town, and he was taking care of the business. He gave me his name card and asked me to email him. He wanted to learn English too.

I took a 6:00pm bus back to Puebla. But the traffic was amazing! Our bus could barely move. We stayed inside the huge city for almost 3 hours!

When I finally got back to Puebla, it was already 11:00pm. I took a taxi back to Norma's house. They came to hug me and kiss me and they told me how much they worried about me! They thought I must got lost or kidnapped because I was totally a stranger in the biggest city of the world!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Diarios de Motocicleta

Ernesto Che Guevara is one of my dream lovers.

Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967) is Cuba's most revered revolutionary hero. His heroic image appears on everything in Cuba, from walls to Key chains. He is the chief architect of Cuba revolution, a socialist originally from Argentina. He becomes an icon for the entire generation, an inspiration for idealists for both Cuba and the world.

In 1952, young Ernesto Che Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado took an inspiring and thrilling adventure across South America. They travel from Buenos Aires, down the coast of Argentina, through the Andes into Chile, and then north into Peru, Columbia and Venezuela. Che's diary was published and made into a beautiful movie: Diarios de Motocicleta.

Here is a clip of one of the movie's song: Al Otro Lado del Rio:

Clavo mi remo en el agua
llevo tu remo en el mío.
Creo que he visto una luz
al otro lado del río.

El día le irá pudiendo
poco a poco al frío.
Creo que he visto una luz
al otro lado del río.

Sobre todo,
creo que no todo está perdido.
Tanta lágrima, tanta lágrima,
y yo soy un vaso vasio...